
The Mountains of Mars

Note, this is 20mb, so it might take a minute to load. WASD Movement controls.

Gale Crater is a large, approximately 152 kilometer-diameter impact crater that lies near the Martian equator. Contained within the crater is a massive central mound of layered material. With an average vertical thickness of almost 4 kilometers, the Gale Crater layered deposits are twice as thick as the layers exposed along the Grand Canyon on Earth.

Shown here is a portion of the mound with an inverted fluvial or river channel. Topographic inversion occurs when sediments are cemented together, forming a harder layer that is resistant to later erosion. This later erosion has preferentially removed material outside the channel, leaving the former riverbed exposed as a ridge—a topographic high. This inverted channel was originally detected by scientists using Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images onboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

Description Written by: Brad Thomson

Created by converting the Raw MRO HiRise DTM data into a 3d topographical mesh, and overlaying ultra high resolution meshes on top.


Apollo 17 Landing Zone

Movement is WASD with shift for speed.

This is a 1-1 scale replica of the Apollo 17 landing zone made using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data. It is roughly 21x21 km with texture data equal to 1.2m/px.

Apollo 17 was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program. Launched at 12:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on December 7, 1972, with a crew made up of Commander Eugene Cernan, Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans, and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt, it was the last use of Apollo hardware for its original purpose; after Apollo 17, extra Apollo spacecraft were used in the Skylab and Apollo–Soyuz programs.

Apollo 17 was the first night launch of a U.S. human spaceflight and the final manned launch of a Saturn V rocket. It was a "J-type mission" which included three days on the lunar surface, extended scientific capability, and the third Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). While Evans remained in lunar orbit in the Command/Service Module (CSM), Cernan and Schmitt spent just over three days on the moon in the Taurus–Littrow valley and completed three moonwalks, taking lunar samples and deploying scientific instruments. Evans took scientific measurements and photographs from orbit using a Scientific Instruments Module mounted in the Service Module.

The landing site was chosen with the primary objectives of Apollo 17 in mind: to sample lunar highland material older than the impact that formed Mare Imbrium, and investigate the possibility of relatively new volcanic activity in the same area.[2] Cernan, Evans and Schmitt returned to Earth on December 19 after a 12-day mission.[3]

Apollo 17 is the most recent manned Moon landing and the most recent time humans travelled beyond low Earth orbit.[3][4] It was also the first mission to have no one on board who had been a test pilot; X-15 test pilot Joe Engle lost the lunar module pilot assignment to Schmitt, a scientist.[5] The mission broke several records: the longest moon landing, longest total extravehicular activities (moonwalks),[6] largest lunar sample, and longest time in lunar orbit.


Hatsune Miku in a box in a cave in WebVR

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