


Contact Machine, International Machine Consortium(IMC)

The basis of the Machine came when alien transmissions were picked up on Earth thus making the world believe that they had found extraterrestrial life among the stars. Among the transmission was a series of blueprints which were actually instructions on how to build a device that became known as the Machine. This sparked the creation of a multi-nation effort into building the Machine and the start of the International Machine Consortium. Trillions of dollars were spent on the venture with a board being selected of individuals that would determine who the pilot of the mission would be in their quest to meet the Machine's true creators.

The Machine was a large building sized planetary based structure that was held together by scaffolding equipment. It consisted of sphere shaped device that contained a series of four or five rings that circulated when active. This was believed to be a transportational tool that would allow for faster then light travel to a single destination which was beleived to be Vega. As part of the machine was a sphereical pod that was held in a decarhedron shaped container. The pod was where the pilot resided who was sealed in the chamber for their protection. This pod was moved into place above the rings and, when activated, was dropped into the developing energy phenomena.

The first Machine was destroyed in a suicide bombing by religious terrorists. However, while this was devastating, a second Machine had been constructed which was ready to deploy Dr Ellie Anne Arroway into the mission to meet the alien intelligences that lived far away. Once the rings were activated, the Machine began in stages as the rings began to produce energy. At 50% output, visible changes were present with a resonating noise developing in the pod and as power developed, a beautiful energy phenomena was produced in the centre of the rings. This blue white phenomena grows in power as the Machine reaches 100% output. Disruptions start within the pod which had been sealed at this point with static interrupted with communications. Internally, the pilot begins to see a possible electromagnetic phenomena as light emerges from the base of the sphere beneath the chair the pilot resides in. The pods lower exterior becomes increasingly translucent after which the pod is launched into the Machine's energy vortex.

What follows was the pilot being projected into a tunnel believed to be a wormhole or an Einstein-Rossen bridge. After which they enter into space and then enters another series of wormholes where they are deposited around a world believed to be Vega then being sent into further tunnels similar to a subway. Finally, the pilot is deposited into an illusionary world where the alien inhabitants take Human appearance and make use of the pilots memories to make vocal exchange easier.

The Machine was a conduit that led users into a series of artificial wormholes created by an ancient unknown race. Other species made use of these wormholes to travel from one location to another with many meeting the race that projects the information on how to build the Machine. It was believed that the creators were gone many years ago and might return in the future at some point. The Human pilot was then however sent back to her world without any evidence or any time loss in Earth time. The aliens stated that this was the way they had been interacting with other races for billions of years and that Humanity needed to take small steps before they joined the intergalactic community.

After the pod dropped back through the vortex it fell into the water where it was believed by the IMC as well as officials to have suffered from a malfunction. An inquiry was held which questioned the pilot on whether it was a hoax or delusion on her part on what she witnessed as there was no evidence, all external video camera's recorded static and the pilots own camera showed nothing but static. It was eventually held that the Machine was a huge financial loss with the pilots words being held as possible delusions. However, it was later revealed that while the pilots camera recored static, it recorded over 18 hours of it which was the time the pilot spoke to have experienced while on her journey which leads to the credibility of her version of events.



#garden #flowers #flora #pokemon


Custom three.js and JanusWeb Shader Demo

Shader applies a neon filter in JanusWeb. This does not work in JanusVR native, and will just show the geometry as if there was no shader applied. You'll need a glsl shader compatible with that (TODO: add a native app shader.)

To try it on your own stuff, click Clone and make sure you're using janusweb_neon_shader.js from the source. Objects to apply the shader to should have "neon_shader" in the js_id (this is a workaround until JanusWeb supports the shader_id attribute). May not work for non-objects (text, etc.) as I haven't tested that.

This *may* have issues with textures on gltf assets until the next release of JanusWeb (currently on 1.3.2 as I write this)

Hue cycling effect is done with another script in the source. It's not part of the shader.

#threejs #janusweb #shader #neon


JanusVR Webspace Map

Visualization of JML webspaces made with a web crawler starting at Vesta and a couple other sites. Pages without JML are removed from the search so there are a lot of nodes without any visible connections. This is far from everything publically available but I'm still working on the crawler

Based on bai's Augmented Perception but using 3d-force-graph to render

Augmented Perception:

Last crawl date: September 13th 2018, if I remember to update this.

#graph #visualization #map #crawler #janusvr #metaverse


alleyway 3





Church of the Silence (Doctor Who)

A church of the Silence from Doctor Who. The model was originally done by me in ~2013 for the mod Fallout Who Vegas, where a few of these things were hidden in small tents and behind random doors and such - places you wouldn't expect a big alien spaceship to be.

This webspace is cloneable, and you can download the model at

#Doctor #Who #alien #spaceship #FWV


Sunken Shrine

A test of combining existing photogrammetry with new PBR textures to create something new.

Took screenshots from (which was already scanned from other Janus rooms) and processed with Meshroom, the diffuse texture combined with one created in Substance Painter. Lighting (with shadows in JanusWeb) and bubbles added.

Substance Painter:
Music (Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area - Super Metroid) streaming from
#Photogrammetry #Meshroom #Substance #Painter #Underwater #Coral


Peacock House

Ours, ours, ours at this hour, ours at this time, ours under these stars.
Ours, ours, ours by pact, ours by purchase, ours by blood, ours in the
Cult of the White Peacock.

#Faction_Paradox #model #lowpoly #island
