Publicly Editable Sandbox
You can edit this in 3D. For best results, view it in JanusVR: https://janusvr.com/download.php -- then go back to this URL in that, enable Edit Mode in the developer settings, and start building!
FireVR Export Test - Blacklight
Exported from Blender using the FireVR exporter. Get it at https://github.com/Spyduck/FireVR
Avatar Room (12-23-17) (Requires JanusVR)
A varied avatar room. This isn't meant to display right in JanusWeb, if you want to view it get the JanusVR client and come back. #avatar #avatars
Avatar Room (12-26-17) (Requires JanusVR)
A varied avatar room. This isn't meant to display right in JanusWeb, if you want to view it get the JanusVR client and come back.
#avatar #avatars #gallery