Light creates a lighting element which casts on to any geometry with the lighting attribute set to true. This in turn can be used to create dynamic lighting effects like sirens, lamps, spotlights and the like.
An Image is represented in 3D as a rectangular shape with thickness 1/10 of the maximum width or height. The appearance is much like art done on canvas wrapped around a wooden frame. The dimensions are such that the aspect ratio of the image is preserved. Transparent images are supported and can be used to interesting effect.
The section of any webspace contains a list of assets that will be used throughout the room. As with developing for the ordinary, two dimensional internet, files may be stored and loaded from any external website and even your own computer.
These are sounds which can be used within the webspace. Supported formats are dependent upon the multimedia capabilities of the underlying platform (e.g. DirectShow on Windows, gstreamer on Linux). Uncompressed WAV will work universally, but is not bandwidth friendly. MP2 or MP3 are compressed formats which seem to work universally and offer great compression.
An AssetScript defines a file containing JavaScript (technically ECMAScript 3 compliant code) that you can run in the FireBoxRoom. Functions can be set up for specific events such as mouse clicks or on frame updates. Sounds can be played, Objects can be created, have their properties modified, and be destroyed. For further details about this, see this page: Also check the "experiment" workspace included with JanusVR which serves as a JS example.
#onclick is used for the JS that plays the sound
An AssetWebSurface defines an interactive surface that provides a 2D web view. Note that this surface can be placed on an Object by specifying a websurface_id that matches the AssetWebSurface's id.
src - The website to assign to this asset.
width - The horizontal resolution.
height - The vertical resolution.
show_url_bar - Whether or not to show navigation controls on this asset.
Near Far Plane
near_dist - (default 0.0025) How many meters from the user's camera the near plane is located. All geometry before this distance will be clipped.
far_dist - (default 500) How many meters from the user's camera the far plane is located. All geometry after this distance will be clipped.
Open JanusVR native to try this demo (janus icon top-right of vesta window).
(default -9.8) The gravity (defined in meters per second squared) to be applied to all physics capable objects which are not being supported by collision geometry.
jump_velocity - (default 5.0) How many meters per second the user will start moving upwards when they press the jump button.
walk_speed - (default 1.8) How many meters per second the user can walk.
run_speed - (default 5.4) How many meters per second the user can run.
Multiplayer Privacy
Some room settings to have a little more privacy in networked servers.
cursor_visible - (default "true") - Whether or not to display other users' current cursor position.
party_mode - (default "true") - Whether or not to allow users to broadcast the room on the JanusVR "party mode" server. With this attribute set to false, even users who are currently in party mode will not be able to transmit their location. However, users may still tell others, or may be using a client which does not honor these settings. If you want to truly secure your webspace, consider using a password defined in the .htaccess file of your website. Tip: Don't want the world to see the room you are working on yet? There is a way to disable 'Party Mode' broadcast from your room, and also stop it being added to the 'popular rooms' list In the tag add party_mode="false"
Fog allows the developer to create ambient scenes in which distant areas are obscured by a fog-like effect.
fog - (default "false") - Whether or not to use fog in the webspace.
fog_mode - (default "exp") - Defines the weight function to use, choices are: exp, exp2, linear.
fog_density - (default "1.0") - The coefficient which applies to the "exp" and "exp2" fog_mode.
fog_start - (default "0.0") - The coefficient which applies to the "linear" fog_mode (the distance at which "fog begins").
fog_end - (default "1.0") - The coefficient which applies to the "linear" fog_mode (the distance at which "fog ends/is maximal").
fog_col - (default "0 0 0") - Defines the colour of the fog.